Clayworks in-progress

It’s happening, Golden. After four years of design, planning and collaboration. Clayworks has broken ground. Thanks to everyone taking this journey with us toward an even more vibrant and welcoming Golden. For the latest news on construction and temporary street closures, please check back regularly.

construction updates

Construction is underway on the new CoorsTek HQ building! Building demolition was fast and exciting and wrapped up in early summer of ’24. Throughout the summer months the construction team will be working on site utilities, shoring/retaining wall, and mass excavation activities in preparation to start the under slab plumbing, geothermal wells, and waterproofing scopes of work. The under slab scope of work will be followed by the concrete slabs and foundations that will continue through the end of the year and into 2025 as the team gets ready to start erecting structural steel in 2025.

current activities

  • Street Closures
    • 9th Street between Washington and Jackson is currently closed until January 29th (Turn lane from Washington to 9th Street will be closed during this time). This closure allows the Holder Construction team to install new sewer lines and manholes.
  • Tower Crane
    • Construction crane is in full swing. The crane is over 175 feet tall with a swing radius over 200 feet.
  • Truck Activity
    • Material delivery and haul trucks continue to enter and exit the site. Click Here for more details on this haul route.
  • Steel is being erected


Check back soon for progress photos and videos.

For questions or concerns about Clayworks construction activity:

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